Thursday 29 August 2024

कल्पना मापूसकर यांचा "ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिका" पुरस्काराने सन्मान


कल्पना मापूसकर यांचा "ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिका" पुरस्काराने सन्मान

मुंबई (गुरुदत्त वाकदेकर) : साहित्यिका कल्पना दिलीप मापूसकर यांच्या साहित्य क्षेत्रातील उल्लेखनीय कार्याची दखल घेऊन त्यांना "ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिका प्रजासत्ताक अमृत गौरव पुरस्कार २०२४" पुरस्कार देऊन सन्मानित करण्यात आले.  

२५ ऑगस्ट रोजी नॅशनल लायब्ररी बांद्रा येथील कार्यक्रमात अध्यक्ष बाळासाहेब तोरस्कर, लेखक कवि डॉ. खंडू माळवे, पदश्री जी. डी. यादव, भानुदास केसरे, प्रमोद महाडीक, डॉ. सुकृत खांडेकर, राजेश कांबळे, डॉ. नॅन्सी अल्बुकर्क, रामकृष्ण कोळवणकर, डॉ. रेडिक एंजल्स आदी मान्यवरांच्या हस्ते हा पुरस्कार प्रदान करण्यात आला. प्रा. नागेश हुलावळे, रमेश मारुती पाटील, प्रमोद सुर्यवंशी, योगेश हरणे तसेच आयोजन समितीचे सर्व सदस्य त्यावेळी उपस्थीत होते.

साहित्य सेवा करत असलेल्या मीरा रोड येथील ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिका म्हणून कल्पना मापूसकर यांच्या उल्लेखनीय कामगिरीबद्दल त्यांना हा पुरस्कार बहाल करण्यात आला. त्यांचे लेखन सामाजिक बांधिलकी जपणारे आहे. समाजातील विकृत घटनांवर ताशेरे ओढणारे असते. वृद्धाश्रम, हुंडा, स्त्रीभ्रूण हत्या, महागाई, डिप्रेशन, वारांगना, लोकशाही, बलात्कार, गरिबी, बालकामगार, बेरोजगार अशा विषयावर त्यांनी आपल्या लेख, कवितांमधून विषयाच्या गांभीर्याला वाचा फोडली आहे. त्यांचा "कल्पदीप" हा काव्यसंग्रह त्याचेच एक उत्तम उदाहरण आहे. त्यांनी लिहिलेला "रॉकेल" हा लघुपट नुकताच लय भारी प्रॉडक्शन मार्फत प्रदर्शित झाला आहे. त्यांना अनेक राज्यस्तरीय स्पर्धांमधून सन्मानित करण्यात आले आहे.

साहित्यिका, लावणीकारा सरोज गाजरे यांचा "जीवन गौरव" पुरस्काराने यथोचित गौरव

 साहित्यिका, लावणीकारा सरोज  गाजरे यांचा "जीवन गौरव" पुरस्काराने यथोचित गौरव

मुंबई (गुरुदत्त वाकदेकर) : वर्ल्ड व्हिजन संस्थेचे संस्थापक प्रा. नागेश हुलावडे, आम्ही मुंबईकर सा. वृत्तपत्राचे संपादक प्रमोद सुर्यवंशी, योगेश हरणे यांच्या सौजन्याने 

विख्यात साहित्यिका, लावणीकारा सरोज सुरेश गाजरे भाईंदर ठाणे मुळ गाव जळगाव खानदेश यांना त्यांच्या सामाजिक, साहित्यिक क्षेत्रातील कार्याची दखल घेऊन "जीवन गौरव प्रजासत्ताक अमृत गौरव" हा पुरस्कार प्रदान करून गौरवान्वित करण्यात आले. नॅशनल लायब्ररी सभागृह, स्वामी विवेकानंद रोड, बांद्रा पश्चिम, मुंबई येथे २५ ऑगस्ट २०२४ रोजी साहित्यिक व पत्रकार बाळासाहेब तोरसकर यांच्या उपस्थितीत तसेच इतर मान्यवरांच्या हस्ते हा पुरस्कार प्रदान करण्यात आला.

सदर कार्यक्रमाला उद्घाटक डॉ. ख. र. माळवे - उपाध्यक्ष, महाराष्ट्र राज्य पर्यटन व कला संस्कृती महोत्सव समिती, स्वागताध्यक्ष प्रा. नागेश हुलावळे, पद्मश्री शास्रज्ञ डॉ. यादव, नासा शास्रज्ञ डॉ. डेरिक एंजल्स, ज्येष्ठ पत्रकार दैनिक प्रहारचे संपादक सुकृत खांडेकर उपस्थित होते.

किशोरी पाटील "आदर्श योग शिक्षिका" प्रजासत्ताक अमृत गौरव पुरस्कारानेे सन्मानित


किशोरी पाटील "आदर्श योग शिक्षिका" प्रजासत्ताक अमृत गौरव पुरस्कारानेे सन्मानित

मुंबई (गुरुदत्त वाकदेकर) : आदर्श योग शिक्षिका प्रजासत्ताक अमृत गौरव पुरस्काराने किशोरी पाटील यांना सन्मानित करण्यात आले. साहित्यिका सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्या तसेच दहा वर्षांपासून योग शिक्षिका म्हणून कार्यरत असलेल्या किशोरी पाटील यांनी नुकतेच कल्याण येथे एकदिवसीय योग शिबीरात मार्गदर्शन केले. तसेच कोमसापच्या मॉरिशस येथील कार्यक्रमात कलाविष्कार सदरात शिवतांडव स्रोत्र योग प्रात्यक्षिक केले. अक्षर मानव संस्थेच्या पालघर जिल्हाप्रमुख पदाची जबाबदारी त्यांच्यावर अाहे. वसई महानगर पालिका कला क्रीडा महोत्सव योगासन स्पर्धेमध्ये कांस्य पदकाची झेप त्यांनी घेतली आहे. अंबिका योग निकेतन संस्थेमध्ये विनामूल्य योग वर्ग शिकवण्याचा प्रामाणिक हेतू आजही बाळगून आहेत. योग शिक्षिका या क्षेत्रातील त्यांच्या अतुलनीय भरीव योगदान आणि उल्लेखनीय कार्याची दखल घेऊन प्रजासत्ताक अमृत गौरव पुरस्कार समिती महाराष्ट्र राज्य आयोजित "आदर्श योग शिक्षिका प्रजासत्ताक अमृत गौरव" पुरस्काराने  रविवार, दि.२५ ऑगस्ट रोजी नॅशनल लायब्ररी, बांद्रा, मुंबई येथील सभागृहात किशोरी पाटील यांना सन्मानित करण्यात आले. सदर कार्यक्रमाला अध्यक्ष म्हणून साहित्यिक बाळासाहेब तोरसकर उपस्थित होते. उद्घाटक डाॅ. ख. र. माळवे, उपाध्यक्ष महाराष्ट्र राज्य पर्यटन व कला संस्कृती महोत्सव समिती, स्वागताध्यक्ष प्रा. नागेश हुलवाळे, पद्मश्री शास्त्रज्ञ डाॅ. जी. डी. यादव, अध्यक्ष राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान संस्था भारत सरकार, डाॅ. डेरीक एंजल, नासा शास्त्रज्ञ, संपादक डाॅ. सकृत खांडेकर, दैनिक प्रहार अशा दिग्गज पाहुण्यांच्या उपस्थितीत पुरस्कार वितरण सोहळा संपन्न झाला. आम्ही मुबंईकर साप्ताहिकाचे संपादक प्रमोद सुर्यवंशी आणि प्रा. वर्ल्ड व्हिजन टाईम्स मुंबईचे प्रा. नागेश हुलवाळे आणि आयोजकांनी प्रचंड मेहनत घेऊन हा कार्यक्रम सुंदररित्या पार पाडला.



 Shri Siddhartha Mohanty, MD&CEO, LIC of India hands over the dividend cheque to Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs


Shri Siddhartha Mohanty, CEO & MD, LIC of India, today presented the Dividend cheque of Rs.3662.17 Crores to Honourable Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, as the Government of India’s share of Dividend, approved by the Shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on 22.08.2024. 

Dr. M P Tangirala, Additional Secretary, GOI, Ministry of Finance, Dept of Financial Services was present along with Officials from Life Insurance Corporation of India, Shri M Jagannath ,MD, Shri Tablesh Pandey, MD, Shri Sat Pal Bhanoo, MD, Shri R Doraiswamy, MD and Shri J.P.S.Bajaj ,ZM(I/C),Northern Zone.

LIC also paid Interim Dividend of Rs. 2441.45 Crores on 1st March 2024, thus totaling to Rs. 6103.62 Crores paid as dividend to Government of India for the year 2023-24. 

LIC is completing 68 glorious years since its incorporation and as at 31.03.2024 has an asset base of over Rs.52.85 Lakh Crores. It continues to be the market leader in the Indian Life Insurance market.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

किड्स स्पोर्ट्स कार्निवल २०२४ – एक अनोखी आंतर-शालेय स्पर्धा

 किड्स स्पोर्ट्स कार्निवल २०२४ – एक अनोखी आंतर-शालेय स्पर्धा

मुंबई (गुरुदत्त वाकदेकर) : दरवर्षी २९ ऑगस्ट रोजी हॉकीचे जादूगर मेजर ध्यानचंद यांच्या जयंती निमित्त राष्ट्रीय क्रीडा दिन साजरा केला जातो. त्याच राष्ट्रीय सणाचे महत्व ओळखून प्रज्ञा वर्धिनी फाऊंडेशन आणि मॅक्सज्ञान स्पोर्ट्स यांनी संयुक्त विद्यमाने पुन्हा एकदा "किड्स स्पोर्ट्स कार्निव्हल २०२४" चे आयिजन केले आहे. 

शनिवार, ३१ ऑगस्ट रोजी सकाळी ८ ते ११ या वेळेत प्राथमिक विभागासाठी आणि दुपारी १२ ते ३ या वेळेत पूर्व-प्राथमिक विभागासाठी सुविद्या स्पोर्ट्स अकादमी, गोराई, बोरीवली पश्चिम येथे ह्या कार्निव्हलचे आयोजन करण्यात आले असून, पारितोषिक वितरण समारंभ सुद्धा ह्याच दिवशी संपन्न होईल.

सदर क्रीडा महोत्सवामध्ये पश्चिम मुंबई उपनगरातील १५ शाळांमधून ९०० पालक आणि मुले सहभागी होत असून, या कार्यक्रमाला उत्तर मुंबई मतदारसंघाचे माजी खासदार गोपाळ शेट्टी आणि वीरमाता डॉ. अनुराधा ताई गोरे उपस्थित राहाणार आहेत.

Gala Precision Engineering Limited’s Initial Public Offering to open on Monday, September 02, 2024, price band set at ₹503/- to ₹529/- per Equity Share


Gala Precision Engineering Limited’s Initial Public Offering to open on Monday, September 02, 2024, price band set at ₹503/- to ₹529/- per Equity Share

Mumbai, Tuesday, August 27, 2024: Gala Precision Engineering Limited is a precision component manufacturer of technical springs like disc & strip springs (“DSS”); coil & spiral springs (“CSS”) and special fastening solution (“SFS”), has fixed the price band of ₹503/- to ₹529/- per Equity Share of face value ₹10/- each for its maiden initial public offer. The Initial Public Offering (“IPO” or “Offer”) of the Company will open on Monday, September 02, 2024, for subscription and close on Wednesday, September 04, 2024. Investors can bid for a minimum of 28 Equity Shares and in multiples of 28 Equity Shares thereafter.


The IPO consists of fresh issue of up to 25,58,416 equity shares and an offer for sale (OFS) of up to 6,16,000 equity shares by Promoter Group Selling Shareholders and Individual Selling Shareholders.


The proceeds from the fresh issue, to the extent of Rs 370 million for setting up a new facility at Vallam-Vadagal, SIPCOT, Sriperumbuddur, Tamil Nadu for manufacturing high tensile fasteners and hex bolts; Rs 110.69 million for funding capital expenditure requirements towards purchase of equipment, plant and machinery at Wada, Palghar, Maharashtra; Rs 454.30 million for repayment/ prepayment, in full or part, of certain borrowings availed by the Company; and general corporate purposes.


Led by Kirit Vishanji Gala, Gala Precision is a technology-driven company with a strong focus on quality, design tool development, and application engineering. It has more than 3 decades of experience in developing customized products to meet the evolving needs of its customers and commands an approximation of 15% market share in the domestic SFS market for wind turbines.


The Company supplies its products to original equipment manufacturers (“OEMs”), Tier 1 and channel partners; used in sectors like renewable energy including wind turbine and hydro power plants, various industrial sectors such as electrical, off highway equipment, infrastructure and general engineering, mobility segments such as automotive and railways.


Its technical springs and high tensile fasteners have been supplied to customers in countries such as Germany, Denmark, China, Italy, Brazil, USA, Sweden, Switzerland etc. Accordingly, it is a key link in the global supply chain for OEMs.


Its business primarily comprises of springs technology division, under which it manufactures DSS including wedge lock washers (“WLW”), CSS and SFS in which it manufactures anchor bolts, studs and nuts.


The Company operates its business from its two manufacturing facilities located in Wada, Palghar, Maharashtra. Further, it is also setting up a new manufacturing facility in Vallam-Vadagal, SIPCOT, Sriperumbuddur, Tamil Nadu for developing various high-tensile fasteners to add to its existing product portfolio and new products.


For fiscal 2023–24, the company’s revenue from operations increased by 22.41%, reaching to ₹2025.45 million in Fiscal 2024 from ₹1654.65 million in Fiscal 2023, driven incremental sales of DSS due to the addition of new customers and increased demand from renewable energy, railways and industrial sectors; as well as incremental sales of CSS, owing to increased demand from the automobile industry and the commencement of supplies to the railways. Profit after tax for the fiscal 2024 stood at ₹223.32 million.


PL Capital Markets Private Limited is the sole book running lead manager and Link Intime India Private Limited is the registrar to the offer. The equity shares are proposed to be listed on BSE and NSE.


The Offer is being made through the Book Building Process, wherein not more than 50% of the Offer shall be available for allocation to Qualified Institutional Buyers, not less than 15% of the offer shall be available for allocation to Non-Institutional Bidders and not less than 35% of the Offer shall be available for allocation to Retail Individual Bidders.


Notes for Reference:

Issue Size of the IPO based on the upper and lower end of the price band


Fresh (25,58,416 equity shares) 

OFS (6,16,000 equity shares)


Lower Band (@Rs 503)

Rs 128.68 crore

Rs 30.98 crore

Rs 159.66 crore

Upper Band (@Rs 529)

Rs 135.34 crore

Rs 32.58 crore

Rs 167.92 crore



Friday 23 August 2024

इंडियन फॉस्फेट लिमिटेडचे आयपीओ होणार २६ ऑगस्ट पासून खुले


इंडियन फॉस्फेट लिमिटेडचे आयपीओ होणार २६ ऑगस्ट पासून खुले

मुंबई (गुरुदत्त वाकदेकर) : उदयपूर स्थित लीनियर अल्किलबेन्झीन सल्फोनिक ऍसिड ९०% (LABSA ९०%), सिंगल सुपर फॉस्फेट (SSP), ग्रॅन्युल्स सिंगल सुपर फॉस्फेट (GSSP) आणि स्पेशालिटी केमिकल्स उत्पादक इंडियन फॉस्फेट लिमिटेड सदस्यत्वासाठी प्रारंभिक सार्वजनिक ऑफर (आयपीओ) सोमवार २६ ऑगस्ट रोजी, रु. ९४-९९ प्रति शेअर उघडणार आहे. सदर आयपीओ संपूर्णपणे सुमारे रु.६७.३६ लाख शेअर्सचा ताजा इश्यू आहे, तो गुरुवार २९ ऑगस्ट रोजी बंद होईल. अँकर भागासाठी बोली शुक्रवार, २३ ऑगस्ट रोजी सुरू होईल. आयपीओ वाटपाची तारीख शुक्रवार ३० ऑगस्ट आहे आणि एनएसई एसएमईवर शेअर सूचीची तारीख मंगळवार ३ सप्टेंबर आहे. आयपीओची लॉट साइज १,२०० शेअर्स आहे आणि किरकोळ गुंतवणूकदारांना किमान रु. १,१८,०००/- गुंतवणे आवश्यक आहे. 

बीलाईन कॅपिटल ॲडव्हायझर्स प्रायव्हेट लिमिटेड हे इंडियन फॉस्फेट आयपीओचे बुक-रनिंग लीड मॅनेजर आहेत, तर बिगशेअर सर्विसेस प्रायव्हेट लिमिटेड हे इश्यूचे रजिस्ट्रार आहेत.

तामिळनाडूतील कुड्डालोर जिल्ह्यातील सिपकॉट इंडस्ट्रियल पार्कमध्ये सल्फ्यूरिक ऍसिड, LABSA ९०% आणि मॅग्नेशियम सल्फेटसाठी नवीन उत्पादन सुविधा उभारण्यासाठी इश्यूच्या निव्वळ उत्पन्नाचा वापर केला जाईल. निव्वळ उत्पन्नाचा काही भाग खेळत्या भांडवलाच्या गरजा पूर्ण करण्यासाठी आणि सामान्य कॉर्पोरेट हेतूंसाठी वापरला जाईल.

इंडियन फॉस्फेट लिमिटेडची स्थापना सन १९९८ मध्ये करण्यात आली होती. गेल्या काही वर्षांमध्ये त्यांनी लिनियर अल्किलबेन्झिन सल्फोनिक ऍसिड LABSA ९०%, जे LABSA म्हणून प्रसिद्ध आहे, तयार करण्यात सखोल कौशल्य निर्माण केले आहे, हे सर्व प्रकारचे डिटर्जंट पावडर, केक, टॉयलेट क्लीनर आणि लिक्विड डिटर्जंट्स तयार करण्यासाठी वापरले जाणारे ॲनिओनिक सर्फॅक्टंट आहे.  हे "सिंगल सुपर फॉस्फेट" (SSP) खत आणि "ग्रॅन्युल्स  सिंगल सुपर फॉस्फेट" (GSSP) खताच्या निर्मितीमध्ये देखील गुंतलेले आहे, जे फॉस्फेट खत म्हणून प्राधान्य दिले जाते कारण ते मातीला आवश्यक पोषक तत्वे पुरवते आणि इतर फॉस्फेट खतांच्या तुलनेत स्वस्त आणि सहज उपलब्ध आहे.  

कंपनीने त्यांच्या केमिकल आणि फर्टिलायझर प्लांटमध्ये अत्याधुनिक उत्पादन प्रक्रिया आणि नियंत्रण तंत्रज्ञानाचा वापर केला आहे.  LABSA ९०%ची सध्याची उत्पादन क्षमता ३५०एमटी/दिवस आहे आणि SSP ची - ४००एमटी/दिवस आहे.

कंपनी खाजगी क्षेत्रातील समर्पित चॅनल भागीदारांद्वारे उत्तर प्रदेश, पंजाब, उत्तराखंड, बिहार, मध्य प्रदेश, राजस्थान, महाराष्ट्र, हरियाणा, गुजरात, हिमाचल प्रदेश आणि पश्चिम बंगालमध्ये “अंकुर एसएसपी” या ब्रँड नावाखाली सिंगल सुपर फॉस्फेटची श्रेणी बाजारात आणते.

गिरणगावातली स्नेहा संजय वायकरची ऐतिहासिक कामगिरी; आयएफसी चेसबॉक्सिंग स्पर्धा जिंकणारी पहिली महिला


गिरणगावातली स्नेहा संजय वायकरची ऐतिहासिक कामगिरी; आयएफसी चेसबॉक्सिंग स्पर्धा जिंकणारी पहिली महिला

स्नेहा भारतासाठी एक चमकणारा तारा - उमेश येवले यांचे गौरवोद्गार

मुंबई (गुरुदत्त वाकदेकर) :  मुंबईच्या गिरणगावातील स्नेहा संजय वायकर ह्या मुलीने सांस्कृतिक ऑलिम्पियाड, पॅरिस ऑलिम्पिक २०२४ मधील आंतरराष्ट्रीय चेसबॉक्सिंग फेडरेशन (आयएफसी) स्पर्धेत विजय मिळवून इतिहासात आपले नाव कोरले आहे. या अप्रतिम पराक्रमामुळे ती आयएफसी चेसबॉक्सिंग स्पर्धा जिंकणारी पहिली महिला ठरली आहे.

स्नेहाचा चॅम्पियनशिपचा प्रवास सहजसोपा नव्हता. गिरणगावच्या पार्श्वभूमीतून आलेल्या स्नेहाचे यश हे तिच्या कुटुंबाच्या अतूट पाठिंब्याचा पुरावा आहे. दोन्ही मुलांना उच्च शिक्षण मिळावे यासाठी तिच्या आईने अर्थात संध्या संजय वायकर यांनी अथक परिश्रम घेतले. स्नेहाचा भाऊ नुकताच परदेशात नोकरीसाठी गेला आहे, तर स्नेहाने कॉम्प्युटर सायन्समध्ये पदवी मिळवत असतानाच चेसबॉक्सिंगमध्ये आपल्या कामगिरीने देशाचा गौरव केला आहे.

जागतिक चॅम्पियनशिपमध्ये दोन वेळा रौप्यपदक जिंकणाऱ्या स्नेहाने चेसबॉक्सिंगमध्ये सातत्याने आपले वर्चस्व दाखवले आहे. तिने आजवर पाच राष्ट्रीय आणि राज्य चॅम्पियनशिपसह फेडरेशन कपमध्ये सर्वोत्तम बॉक्सरचा पुरस्कार मिळवला आहे. स्नेहा एका मध्यमवर्गीय कुटुंबाचा अभिमान आहे.

स्नेहाच्या ह्या उल्लेखनीय कामगिरीबद्दल राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस (शरदचंद्र पवार) पक्षाच्या वतीने सत्कार करण्यात आला. त्याप्रसंगी स्नेहाच्या ऐतिहासिक विजयाचा, असामान्य प्रतिभा आणि समर्पणाचा गौरव करण्यासाठी मुंबई सरचिटणीस उमेश येवले, शिवडी तालुका अल्पसंख्यांक सेलचे अध्यक्ष इसरार खान, शिवडी तालुका उपाध्यक्ष रवींद्र कदम आणि नवनाथ पाटील तसेच दक्षिण मुंबई सचिव राजेंद्र खानविलकर आदी यावेळी उपस्थित होते.

स्नेहा संजय वायकरचा विजय जागतिक स्तरावर भारतीय प्रतिभेचे दर्शन घडवत असतानाच देशातील महिलांसोबत जगातील महिलांना प्रेरणास्थान ठरत आहे. तिची चिकाटी, जिद्द, खेळाप्रती असलेली निष्ठा आणि चेसबॉक्सिंगची आवड यामुळे महिलांच्या भावी पिढ्यांसाठी क्रीडा क्षेत्रातील एक नवा मार्ग मोकळा झाला आहे. स्नेहा भारतासाठी एक चमकणारा तारा आहे आणि तिच्या यशाचा आम्हांला सार्थ अभिमान आहे असे गौरवोद्गार राष्ट्रवादी काँग्रेस (शरदचंद्र पवार) पक्षाचे मुंबई सरचिटणीस उमेश येवले यांनी याप्रसंगी व्यक्त केले.

Thursday 22 August 2024

Indian Phosphate Limited’s Initial Public Offering to open on Monday, August 26th, 2024, price band set at ₹ 94/- to ₹ 99/- per Equity Shares


Indian Phosphate Limited’s Initial Public Offering to open on Monday, August 26th, 2024, price band set at ₹ 94/- to ₹ 99/- per Equity Shares


Udaipur, August 22, 2024: Udaipur based leading manufacturer of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonic Acid 90% (LABSA 90%), Single Super Phosphate (SSP), Granules Single Super Phosphate (GSSP) has fixed the price band of ₹94/- to ₹99/- per Equity Share of face value ₹10/- each for its maiden initial public offer. The Initial Public Offering (“IPO” or “Offer”) of the Company will open on Monday, August 26th, 2024, for subscription and close on Thursday, August 29th, 2024. Investors can bid for a minimum of 1,200 Equity Shares and in multiples of 1,200 Equity Shares thereafter.

·         Price Band of ₹94/ – ₹99/- per equity share bearing face value of ₹10/- each (“Equity Shares”)

·         Issue Size: ₹ 67.36 Cr.

·         Anchor Bid/Offer date: Friday August, 23, 2024.

·         Retail, HNI, QIB Bid/Offer Opening Date – Monday, August 26, 2024 and Bid/Offer Closing Date – Thursday, August 29, 2024.

·         Bid Lot Size: 1200 Equity Shares 

·         Anchor Quota: 19,28,400 Equity Shares

·         QIB Quota: 12,86,400 Equity Shares

·         NII Quota: 9,64,800 Equity Shares

·         Retail Quota: 22,51,200 Equity Shares

·         Market Maker Quota: 3,73,200 Equity Shares 


The IPO consists of fresh issue of up to Rs 67.36 crores. The proceeds from its fresh issuance to the extent of Rs 33.18 crores will be used for setting up a new facility at SIPCOT Industrial Park, Tamil Nadu for manufacturing of LABSA 90%, Sulphuric Acid and Magnesium Sulphate and Rs. 24.90 crore to meet working Capital Requirement and for general corporate purpose. The company have also acquired 1,00,000 Sq. Mtr land on lease from MIDC Dhule, Maharashtra to manufacture Single Super Phosphate fertiliser, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Sulphuric Acid, Oleum 65% and Organic Fertilizers


Indian Phosphate Ltd was incorporated in the year 1998. Over the years It has built deep expertise in manufacturing Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonic Acid LABSA 90%, popularly known as LABSA, it is an anionic surfactant used in the formulation of all types of detergent powders, cakes, toilet cleaners and liquid detergents. It is also engaged in the manufacturing of “Single Super Phosphate” (SSP) fertilizer and “Granules Single Super Phosphate” (GSSP) Fertilizer, which is preferred phosphate fertilizer as it provides much needed nutrients to soil and is cheaper and readily available as compared to other phosphate fertilizer.


The company have employed state-of-the-art manufacturing process and control technology in their Chemical and Fertilizer plant. Current production capacity of LABSA 90% stands at 350 MT/ day and that of SSP - 400 MT/day.


The company markets its range of Single Super Phosphate under the brand name “Ankur SSP” in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Haryana, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal through dedicated channel partners in private sector as well as institutional channels. The company supply LABSA 90% directly to their B2B customers at their various production sites.


The Revenue from Operations for FY24 stood at Rs. 704.17 crore, FY23 Rs.768.69 crore and FY22 Rs.557.15 crore and Profit After Tax in FY24 RS.13.47 crore, FY23 Rs.16.59 crore and FY22 Rs.16.16 crore


Beeline Capital Advisors Private Limited is the sole book running lead manager and Bigshare Services Private Limited is the registrar to the issue. The equity shares are proposed to be listed on NSE.


The Offer is being made through the Book Building Process, wherein not more than 50% of the Offer shall be available for allocation to Qualified Institutional Buyers, not less than 15% of the net offer shall be available for allocation to Non-Institutional Investors and not less than 35% of the Offer shall be available for allocation to Retail Individual Investors.

Friday 16 August 2024

Orient Technologies Limited’s Initial Public Offering to open on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, price band set at ₹ 195/- to ₹206/- per Equity Share

(L – R) Mr. Ujwal Mhatre, Director, Mr. Umesh Shah, Director, Mr. Ajay Sawant, CMD and 

Mr. Jayesh Shah, Director of Orient Technologies Limited at their IPO announcement, Mumbai 


Orient Technologies Limited’s Initial Public Offering to open on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, price band set at ₹ 195/- to ₹206/- per Equity Share


Mumbai, August 16, 2024: Mumbai based IT solutions provider Orient Technologies Limited, has fixed the price band of ₹195/- to ₹206/- per Equity Share of face value ₹10/- each for its maiden initial public offer. The Initial Public Offering (“IPO” or “Offer”) of the Company will open on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, for subscription and close on Friday, August 23, 2024. Investors can bid for a minimum of 72 Equity Shares and in multiples of 72 Equity Shares thereafter.

Mr. Ajay Sawant, CMD of Orient Technologies Limited addressing to media at their IPO announcement, Mumbai

The IPO consists of fresh issue of up to Rs 120 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of up to 4,600,000 equity shares by Promoter Selling Shareholders.


The proceeds from its fresh issuance to the extent of Rs 10.35 crore will be used for acquisition of office premise at Navi Mumbai, Rs 79.65 crore for funding its Capital Expenditure requirements and general corporate purposes.


Orient Technologies was incorporated in the year 1997. Over the years It has built deep expertise to develop products and solutions for specialised disciplines across its business verticals, such as IT Infrastructure Products and solutions; IT Enabled Services (IteS); and Cloud and Data Management Services.


The Company’s business operations involve technologically advanced solutions for which it has to collaborate with a wide range of technology partners including Dell International Services India Private Limited (Dell) and Fortinet, Inc. (Fortinet) and Nutanix Netherlands B.V. (Nutanix).


The Mumbai based company has established a strong relationship with marquee customers such as Coal India, Mazagon Dock, D’Décor, Jyothy Labs, ACG, Integreon, Bluechip, Tradebulls, VJS Bank, VKS Bank, and Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (GST Mahavikas), Mumbai.


As of June 30, 2024, Orient Technologies’ Order Book stood at ₹ 101.20 crore.


Orient Technologies Limited’s revenue from operations during the fiscal year 2024 increased to Rs 602.89 crore from Rs 535.10 crore in the previous year, primarily due to an increase in revenue from Cloud and Data Management Services, and ITeS. Profit after tax increased by 8.22% from ₹38.30 crore in Fiscal 2023 to ₹ 41.45 crore in Fiscal 2024.


Elara Capital (India) Private Limited is the sole the book running lead manager and Link Intime India Private Limited is the registrar to the offer. The equity shares are proposed to be listed on BSE and NSE.


The Offer is being made through the Book Building Process, wherein not more than 50% of the Offer shall be available for allocation to Qualified Institutional Buyers, not less than 15% of the net offer shall be available for allocation to Non-Institutional Investors and not less than 35% of the Offer shall be available for allocation to Retail Individual Investors.

Notes for Reference:

Issue Size of the IPO based on the upper and lower end of the price band



OFS (46,00,000 equity shares)


Lower Band (@Rs 195)

Rs 120 crore

Rs 89.70 crore

Rs 209.70 crore

Upper Band (@Rs 206)

Rs 120 crore

Rs 94.76 crore

Rs 214.76 crore


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Ola Electric strengthens market leadership in Q1 FY25, with Automotive segment nearing EBITDA breakeven


Ola Electric strengthens market leadership in Q1 FY25, with Automotive segment nearing EBITDA breakeven

 ● Ola Electric’s Automotive Segment inches closer to breakeven with an EBITDA margin of (1.97)% for the quarter

 ● Registers its highest ever quarterly Revenue of ₹1,718 Cr in Q1 FY25 with 48.63% market share

 ● Company announced the integration of its cells in its own vehicles Q1 FY26

 ● Company to launch its electric motorcycle portfolio across mass and premium segments during its annual flagship event on August 15, 2024

 Bengaluru, August 14, 2024: Ola Electric today announced its first quarterly results post listing. Company’s revenue grew by 34.32% to ₹1,718 Cr for the quarter ended 30th June 2024, up from ₹1,279 Cr for the quarter ended 30th June 2023. The company has registered its highest ever quarterly revenue during the quarter ended 30th June 2024.

 The quarter witnessed the highest ever deliveries of vehicles by the Company at 1,25,198 units as against 70,575 units delivered in the same period last year. The company ramped up deliveries of its mass market scooter portfolio (S1 X portfolio) during the quarter which helped accelerate growth. The existing product portfolio (S1 Pro, S1 Air, S1 X+) also saw strong demand which continued growth momentum throughout the quarter.

 Company’s Automotive segment (E2W) posted a strong improvement in EBITDA margin and is close to EBITDA breakeven. Automotive segment EBITDA margin for the quarter was (1.97)%, up 632 bps YoY from the (8.29)% EBITDA margin for the quarter ended 30th June 2023. 

Company posted Adjusted Gross Margin of ₹377 Cr for the quarter ended 30th June 2024. The Adjusted Gross Margin stood at 21.94% of Revenue, up 873 bps YoY from 13.21% for the same quarter last year. The increasing scale of operations has benefited the company in the form of lower manufacturing costs and supply chain optimizations. These benefits of scale are further amplified by the company’s scalable platform-based product development and manufacturing technology that results in high degrees of commonality across its products.

Ola Electric is set to host its annual mega conclave – ‘सकं ल्प’ (Sankalp) on August 15, 2024 at the Futurefactory, Krishnagiri in Tamil Nadu. The company today announced the integration of its cells in its own vehicles by Q1 FY26. During its flagship event tomorrow, the company will also launch its much awaited electric motorcycle portfolio across mass and premium segments

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Allied Blenders and Distillers Limited Delivers Double Digit EBITDA Margin of 10.0% and Profit After Tax of ₹ 11 crore in Q1FY25




Allied Blenders and Distillers Limited Delivers Double Digit EBITDA Margin of 10.0% and Profit After Tax of 11 crore in Q1FY25


Mumbai, 13th August 2024: Allied Blenders and Distillers Limited (ABDL), the 3rd largest spirits company in India, has announced its financial results for the 1st Quarter of the fiscal year 2025 (Q1FY25).


A Snapshot of Consolidated Financial Results:

(₹ in crore)







Total Income






Income from Operations
















191 bps

352 bps








·         Total Income at 1,769 crore

o   Higher by 0.5% vs 1,760 crore in Q4FY24 and lower by 7.3% vs 1,909 crore in Q1FY24

·         Income from Operations at 759 crore

o   Lower by 1.4% vs 770 crore in Q4FY24 and lower by 6.8% vs 815 crore in Q1FY24

·         EBITDA at 76 crore

o   Higher by 22.0% vs 62 crore in Q4FY24 and higher by 44.0% vs 53 crore in Q1FY24


Commenting on the results, Alok Gupta, Managing Director of Allied Blenders and Distillers Limited, stated, " We delivered strong growth in profitability this quarter, driven by a strategic brand mix and cost-saving initiatives, despite facing short-term demand servicing challenge. With the successful IPO in July 2024 behind us, we are more confident in our ability to deliver sustained growth and enhance shareholder value creation. We remain dedicated to advancing excellence and achieving new accomplishments”.


Performance Review:


Income from Operations at ₹ 759 crore in Q1FY25 was lower by 1.4% vs ₹ 770 crore in Q4FY24 and lower by 6.8% vs 815 crore in Q1FY24. Despite strong demand for our products, persistent delayed receivables from a key market since H2FY24 which has impacted the industry as well, continued to affect our overall servicing needs and short-term volume growth in Q1FY25.



Note: Income from Operations is Total Income less Excise Duty. EBITDA margin is calculated as EBITDA divided by Income from Operations


Overall, we delivered 7.3 mn cases in Q1FY25, a growth of 2.7% vs 7.1 mn cases in Q4FY24 and lower by 11.8% vs 8.2 mn cases in Q1FY24. However, the momentum of premiumization continued as Prestige & Above volume salience increased to 36.9% in Q1FY25 as compared to 33.5% in Q1FY24 and value salience increased to 46.1% in Q1FY25 as compared to 43.2% in Q1FY24.


Following our successful IPO in July, 2024 and the subsequent strengthening of our balance sheet, our ability to meet demand and cater to customer servicing needs has significantly improved.


EBITDA at ₹ 76 crore grew by 22.0% as compared to ₹ 62 crore in Q4FY24 and grew by 44.0% as compared to ₹ 53 crore in Q1FY24. The strong performance in EBITDA was driven by strong focus on state brand mix and cost optimization initiatives


Business Highlights:


Zoya: Premium to Luxury gin launched in Maharashtra

Post the successful launch in Haryana, ABDL expands Zoya into Maharashtra and is now available in key markets of Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Nashik and Nagpur. This move is designed to cater to the increasing demand for premium gin in the key urban markets of Maharashtra; especially Pune and the megapolis of Mumbai


ICONiQ White: Continued expansion across India

The world’s fastest-growing spirits brand of 2023, ICONiQ White, has been launched in three new states and union territories (UT) of Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya and Chandigarh expanding its presence to a total of 17 states and union territories. To be available pan-India by Q3FY25


The Millionaires’ Club: Global Rankings 2024

As per The Millionaire’s Club Global Rankings 2024, our millionaire brands are amongst the leading brands globally

·         ICONiQ White is the fastest growing spirits brand and whisky brand in the world

·         Officer’s Choice is the 6th largest spirits brand in the world and 3rd largest whisky brand in the world

·         Sterling Reserve is the 36th largest spirits brand in the world and 14th largest whisky brand in the world